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New York
February 15, 2025

Cable Ties: The Uses And Its Different Types

Before using a cable tie, you need to know its uses and different types to know which type you need to use. To understand which cable ties to use and ideas in various usages. The cable ties are versatile, making a project its full potential.

Cable ties are very affordable, making them a great cost-effective solution to jobs around the workshop or home. There are various cable ties available, such as:

  • Nylon cable ties
  • Cable ties Cradles
  • Coloured cable ties
  • Marker ties
  • Printed cable ties
  • Velcro cable ties

How can you use cable ties?

You can insert the pointed end of the cable into the locking piece. The locking piece is usually in square head form, and there is a hole at which the pointed end of the tie runs through the clasp that works one way. The teeth on the head catch the ridges of the tie once inserted correctly. A quick pull confirms it is caught. You can hear the teeth clicking quickly over the ridges when tightening the tie.

When it doesn’t catch, remove the pointed end, turn over and replace the pointed end with the head from the right direction. Pull back against the cable, to tighten, and move the head down as far as it goes. When the cable is tight and secured, cut off the excess loose end, this may not be required by it neaten the work.

Types of cable ties

There are several types of cable tyres and sizes available. It is worth trying to get the right size for the project you are working on. It makes it easier to hand and less costly. If the cable ties are too small, you may get around this temporarily by linking two or more cable ties together in a chain and using this chain of cable ties.

Most cable ties are from molded nylon, but some are not, which depends on the type and its intended usage. Here are the main two types of cable ties, including:

  • Colored cable ties. These colored cable ties are used for grouping various cable groups or items to single them out. You can see which cables are intended for a particular location or used in a larger bundle. These ties are usually used as office key rings to identify sets of keys easily as a form of color coding.
  • Marker ties. These are nylon ties with flat plates, which can be written on to make clear what the tie holds. Marker ties have several uses, from rose bushes to sandwiches. Cable ties can be pre-printed, although it is more pricey and requires a larger volume to purchase. Printed cable ties don’t require imagination to work out the several uses.

Marker ties can be printed with numbers or names for easy identification known as security ties.

Cable ties are easy to use.

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